The thREe Challenge

From October 5-9, 2023, the Candle Lighters went out to spread positivity and cheer to university students and the wider community in Swansea, United Kingdom, in commemoration of World Mental Health Day (October 10) 2023.
This five-day journey was called the thREe Challenge: REflect, REspond, REvitalize. It was aimed at encouraging people to reflect on their lives and respond to that reflection in whatever way the Challenge asked them to, in hopes that this would revitalize them and further empower them to revitalize the people around them.
Each day a different method was used to accomplish this purpose.
Day 1- The launching thREe activity of the Candle Lighters was reaching out to university students using little notes and chocolates. Each note contained a question or a task, and depending on which was drawn the student would have to answer the question or perform the task. All questions and tasks were designed such that students would get the chance to reflect on their university journey thitherto and what matters to them. Above all, the general nuance of the Challenge was intentionally geared towards putting a smile on students' faces by the end of the Challenge.
Day 2- For the second day of the Challenge, the Candle Lighters asked students what their go-to destressing activity was, and then went out to do just that. The answer provided by the majority was taking a walk; so, after a long day of lectures, Candle Lighters took a walk around their university campus and were pleased to see that it did them immense good.
Day 3- On this day, the Candle Lighters took the challenge to the wider community in a tea shop outside the university campus. They asked the following questions to the people willing to answer:
- What has been the highlight of your day so far?
- What was the highlight of your week?
Needless to say, the responses to these questions were absolutely overwhelming and it was a blessing for the Candle Lighters to be able to share in certain special moments.
Day 4- The Candle Lighters, on Day 4, shone the spotlight on international students in Swansea by reaching out to ask what the university journey had been like for them, and how they felt being away from home. It was a great opportunity to get inside the minds of students who felt excited, worried, homesick, and understand from their perspective what it looks like to have to adjust to a new environment and education system.
Day 5- This was the final day of the Challenge, and was a day of REflection on the overall experience as well as lessons that were learnt during the process. Five lessons were iterated and it is greatly hoped that those lessons made their way into the hearts of everyone who got to see them.